Connect your Facebook Page to SmartBi

Follow the steps below to grant access to your Facebook Pages account.

If you don't have an account, contact us

These instructions explain how to connect your Facebook Pages account to SmartBi.

We work in partnership with Fivetran to ensure that this source will be securely connected. Data transfer is always end-to-end encrypted and your credentials will remain invisible throughout the process.

If it is the first time that you connect a data source, the following screen appears:

Select "I get it! Let's get started"

1 - After choosing a dashboard compatible with Facebook Pages, choose "I have access, let's go" if you are an account administrator. If not, contact the account administrator and then continue the source connection process.

2 - In the next screen, select "Authorize"

3- Choose the Facebook account that is associated with the account you want to see in your dashboard.

4 - Click "Continue as..." and confirm the page to sync with Fivetran


 Important notes:

Under "Sync Mode", make sure "Sync Specific Pages" is selected.

If you have access to more than one page, it is very important to choose only one. If you choose more than one, the data for each page selected will be transferred to the dashboard, which will make it impossible to determine which data corresponds to which account and will result in the creation of duplicates. This would therefore render the dashboard useless. If you want to follow more than one page, choose "Add account" from the top right drop-down menu in your account view. 

5 - Select only 1 page: 

 6 - Once the account has been selected, click on "SAVE & TEST" at the bottom of the page 

7 - Fivetran will then test the connection to your account. The message "All connection tests passed!" will confirm that the connection has worked! 

 8 - Finally, a final screen will confirm that your source is pending and that your source and dashboard will be ready within 48 hours. You will then receive an email when your source and dashboard are ready!

If you encounter any difficulties, do not hesitate to contact us!